Speaker SQLDay

Uwe Ricken

Uwe Ricken is working with IT systems since the 90’s. The start of experiences with Microsoft SQL Server came with the assignment for development of membership administration software for the American Chamber of Commerce in Germany.

The software has been distributed to five additional European countries. The primary passion for developments with Microsoft SQL Server expanded in 2007 with his engagement as a DBA for Deutsche Bank AG in Frankfurt am Main. After 6 years of operational experiences as a DBA and over 14 years as a developer of complex database models he achieved the “Microsoft Certified Master – SQL Server 2008” certification which “was” the highest technical certification. The year 2013 finished with the first MVP award for his support to the Microsoft SQL Server community in Germany and Europe.
To provide his deep knowledge about Microsoft SQL Server to the interested community Uwe Ricken is blogging since 2010 at http://www.sqlmaster.de/ about his daily experiences with Microsoft SQL Server. His blog posts are in German language only to provide the German speaking SQL community inside views into the technology of Microsoft SQL Server.
Uwe Ricken is a speaker on many international conferences and events and preferred topics are “Database Internals”, “Indexing” and “Development”.