Speakers SQLDay

Roman Czarko Wasiutycz

I help companies lie… less.

There are three types of lies: lies, terrible lies and statistics. As a rule, statistically your reports are correct. However, they do not always reflect reality enough. I’m helping to change that.
I deal with processing data in any quantity and extracting business value from it.

Specializes in SQL Server performance tuning, query optimization, security, Business Intelligence areas, including Big Data and ETL on the Microsoft BI platform.

Microsoft data platform is my job and passion. With extensive experience in different areas, what I do best can be described as general problem solving. 🙂

In addition to work, I help organize a local group of enthusiasts as part of the Data Community Poland association (formerly PLSSUG). I also co-organize the largest conference (in our part of Europe) SQL Day.
For over 6 years I was involved in Data Community as a Member of the Board of the Association.
Since 2022 he has been a Member of the Supervisory Board of the Association