Walk around Bydogoszcz

Referring to the names of the rooms prepared together with the local Data Community group for this year’s edition of SQLDayLite in Bydgoszcz, we would like to encourage participants to take a short walk around the city.

Starting at Opera Nova(1), it is worth noting the impressive modern structure of the building near the Brda River. Opera Nova is one of the most important cultural venues in Bydgoszcz. At the time of this year’s conference, construction of the fourth part – glass circle is taking place there, scheduled for completion in May 2025.

From the Opera Nova, we head along Tamka Street towards the Mill Island (2). It is a beautiful park surrounded by water, with numerous bridges and historic buildings, such as Przystań Bydgoszcz complex, Rothera Mills and The Leon Wyczółkowski Regional Museum. Here you can also admire the varied buildings of Bydgoszcz Venice Wenecja Bydgoska.

From the Mill Island, we recommend crossing the bridge to Ku Młyny Street and then straight along Niedźwiedzia Street to the Old Town(3). In the Old Town you will find the Bydgoszcz City Hall, the Monument to Struggle and Martyrdom of the Bydgoszcz Land and the marking of the 18th meridian line passing through the centre. In addition, you can enjoy a restaurant here during lunchtime.

The most interesting thing, however, is that at 1:13 p.m. and 9:13 p.m., the effigy of Master Twardowski(3), after whom the first room of SQLDayLite Bydgoszcz is named, leans out from one of the tenements. We recommend that you familiarise yourself with the Legend of Master Twardowski and take a look at the Old Town at an appropriate time.

For lunch, we also recommend going to Długa Street, which is parallel to the Old Market Square. Then, go to Przesmyk Street, cross Pod Blankami Street and walk through a small tunnel under the car park. In this way you will reach the Monument to Casimir the Great(4), the king who granted Bydgoszcz city rights in 1346. In honour of this ruler, we have named the Auditorium that will have his name during the conference.

To see the last figure after which one of the rooms is named, you need to take a slightly longer walk. First, return to the Old Town and then head towards Gdańska Street – pass the Old Market Square, take Mostowa Street and cross the bridge of Jerzy Sulima Kamiński. There, looking around, you will notice the sculpture of Przechodzący przez rzekę(5), the building of the Main Post Office and the historic Granaries.

Reaching the end of Mostowa Street, cross Focha Street and, through the pedestrian crossing, go straight to Gdańska Street(6). This street connects the Old Town with the northern borders of the city to the largest urban park in Poland – Myślęcinek. The architectural landscape of the street has evolved over more than 150 years and it is now the main, representative street of the city. Since 2002, the Gdańska Street Festival has been organised every year.

However, we do not walk the entire length of Gdańska Street, but only about 500 metres. Crossing the junction with Dworcowa and Pomorska Streets, you will reach the Monument to Marian Rejewski(8), sitting on a bench and perhaps still pondering over the cryptographic riddles of Enigma. There is no need to explain why his figure was chosen to name one of the rooms, but we encourage you to visit this place. You might want to sit next to him for a while before the next series of sessions at our conference.

Of course, on the way to or from the monument to Marian Rejewski, it is worth looking around at the buildings on Gdańska Street. Also, don’t forget to pat on the arm the Statue of Wanderer(7) near the crossing of Dworcowa and Pomorska Streets, who watches the eagle above the Pod Orłem Hotel, which you might not have noticed.

To return to the conference venue, go back to the crossing of Focha and Gdańska Streets(6), from where you can already see the Opera Nova, turn towards it and end your walk there.

We think that a small dose of visual attractions before, during or after the conference will encourage you to visit Bydgoszcz again. Then you will have the opportunity to discover other places, attractions and legends of this city.

In addition, we would like to inform you that the organisers have prepared a prize for the person who takes the most interesting photo during the walk around Bydgoszcz!